Many business firms have benefited from the use of research keeping and accounting. This is true especially when we consider such firm that required by law to publish the result of their business dealings annually. Such firm cannot fulfill this legal obligation without employing the accounting professional skills. They also utilize accounting skills in making borrowing and investment decision as well as planning of their growth and expansion. The problems militating against small scale firms that are incorporated in Nigeria are many. They include lack inadequate education backbone of majority of firm owners, inability to recognize the need for accounting skills in business firm thereby employing the cheap labour of unskilled accounting staff, non ” adherence that are not based on accounting information. The forgoing have been found to be true. The research methodology used in this project work include., the questionnaire, observation and interview but mainly the questionnaire was used. The problem as enumerated in the preceding paragraph were found to be true, the inferential statistic of chi ” square was used to test the null hypothesis(HO) which where all rejected in favor of the alternative. Recommendation were duly offered in chapter three of this work which include the remedying of the low educational background of the management team, employment of a trained decision which will eliminate stagnation of the firm and foster the growth of the company.