1.1     Background to  the Study

Organization view the effective adoption of information technology (I.T) as a way to combat competition by improving productivity, profitability and the level of information which is one common asset shared by all business regardless of their nature because it is a vital part of any business entity irrespective of their form of ownership as it enables conceptualization and creation of new product and services. Information guide decision makers in reaching a valid conclusion and making an informed decision regarding every area of their responsibility. Without adequate information, resources will not be located and converted into desirable finished goods aimed at a specific target market for profit. Since no business entity can survive or remain relevant without effective information.
Business data must be systematically captured, analyzed, quantified, compiled, shared and made accessible, developed, administered and maintained to accomplish those tasks. When properly collected, organized and indexed in accordance with the requirement of the organization, its stored data becomes accessible to those who need the information. A critical feature of any information system should be the ability to not only access and retrieve data, but also to keep the archived information as current as possible (Moga, 2010), the information system is the mechanism to ensure that information is available to the manager in the form they want it and when they need it. It is designed to support their work through providing relevant information for their decision making. Literature on whether adopted innovation such MIS are actually able to deliver positive outcomes by contrast in it infancy finding from qualitative and quantitative studies in the emerging literature are not unanimous often suggest a positive relationship (Walker and Damanpour, 2010). However, similar to the studies of business organization where the focus has been on performance consequences of product innovation the emphasized bank has been on the influence of facility innovations on performance.
The evolution of computer based information system and the rapid advancement of IT have created a more sophisticated and competitive business environment, In fact, IT has changed the way companies compete as it move from strictly supporting role at the back of office to take a new vitage position. Development in computer technology made it possible for manager to select the information they require in the form best suited for their needs and in time they want. This information must be current and in many cases needed by many people at same time so it has to be accurate, concise, timely, complete, well presented and storable.
Most firms nowadays depend on IT but personal computer (PCS) themselves will not improve organizational productivity, this only comes about if they are used efficiently and effectively. Computer system can clearly aid organizations in processing data into accurate, well presented and cost effective information while the conciseness, relevancy, timeliness and completeness of supplied information will largely on the capabilities of the people involved in its processing and selection Harizonova (2010) In recent time, a surge in the number of studies that examine this MIS adoption is a proof to this challenge (Bharadwaj et al; 2009, Devaraj & Kohli 2010, Sohal Moss & Ng 2011). In doing so, the MIS  adoption literature has examined the relationship between investment in MIS and their effect on organizational performance. However, due to the nature of the research designs employed. This stream of research has not definitely attributed the effects of usage and impact of individual technologies on organizational performance. Since most companies to have difficulty surviving for long. De Geus (2010) observed that the international average life expectancy of a company of any size 12.5 years. However, most decisions about IT are critically important to the prosperity and survival of a firm.
A successful organization must be able to adapt and learn fast as creative activity increase their survival against all odds, especially in rapidly changing environment of the 21st century. The comparability of self reported usage and objective or actual usage remains a controversial point in information systems research (Venkatesh & Davis 2007). Self reported usage might induce biases to having the same respondents answer similar questions on their perception of the IT and its effectiveness. Further, there is evidence suggesting that actual usage and perceived usage may not be congruent because most studies to date have been in laboratory settings with student subjects, there is merit to examining an independently monitored and objective measure of technology usage. This study extends this line of research by examining the technology usage issue in the field setting of bank network. Thus, this study investigates how management information system (MIS) serves as a catalyst to organizational survival in the 21st century.
1.2      Statement of the Problem
In Nigeria, customers of banks today are no longer about safety of their funds and increase returns on their investments only. Customers demand efficient fast and convenient services. Customers want a bank that will offer them services that will meet their particular needs (personalized banking) and support their business goals for instance, business men want to travel without carrying out cash for security reasons. They want to be able to check their balance online, find out if a cheque is cleared, transfer funds among accounts and even want to download transactions record into their own computer at work or home. Customers want to preferential treatment and full attention by their choice bank. All these are only achievable through the use of effective management information system. In line with rendering quality and acceptable services that most banks in Nigeria are gearing towards and investing large sum of money in computerized information system.
1.3      Research Questions
The research questions for this study include the following:
1.   Has the use of management information system enabled banks to increase the volume of their services?
2.   Has the application of management information system enabled banks to widen the range of services offered to their customers?
3.   Has effective adoption of management information system improved organizational success and survival?
1.4    Research Hypothesis
H0: Efficient and effective adoption of MIS does not have any impact on service delivery in Nigeria banking industry.
H1: Efficient and effective adoption does have a positive impact on service delivery in Nigeria banking industry.
H0: Effective adoption of MIS does not have any significant impact on organizational success and survival.
H1: Effective adoption of MIS does have significant impact on organizational success and survival.
1.5       Objective of the Study
The main objective of the research topic “An appraisal of the impact of management information system on service delivery in Nigeria Banking Industry” to show the following:
i.        That the use of management information system enables banks to increase the volume of their service, operate at a higher level of efficiency and realize economies of scale.
ii.       That the effective and efficient adoption of MIS improves organizational success and survival.
iii.      That the application of management information system enables banks to widen their range of services and transform their operating system to function effectively.
1.6       Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is limited to our area of study which is WEMA BANK Plc, station road, opposite post office, Osogbo, Osun state. It is the area of study because the bank is a well known one and it is popularly patronized by the general public due to their efficiency and the quality service rendered by the bank to their customers.
1.7       Limitation of the Study
In the course of this study we faced various challenges, one of this include time and financial constraints, even in the process of this study we were sent packing from our hostels and due to the fact that the money paid for the hostel has expired. Some of the members of staff in our area of study, which is WEMA BANK Plc, was reluctant to give necessary information needed in the research process if not for the timely interventional of one of the top officials of the bank we would have been sent out of the bank.
1.8       Significance of the Study
This research will be of help to the WEMA BANK Plc, where their customers will not be worried over the transaction they are to operate with the bank. Also, the customer will be satisfied with the information transaction which they will render to them and how there work will be fast and steady in there operation service, which they are to render out to the customers through the help of effective management information system on service delivery  in the Nigeria Banking industry.  
1.9       Definition of Terms
Terms involved in the use of computerized management information system include:
Transaction alert: Our customers carryout debit credit transactions on their accounts and the need to keep track of these transactions prompted the creation of the alert system by the MIS of the bank to notify customers of those transactions.
Electronic web collection: Enables the bank partner with universities and higher institutions of learning to handle admission, registration, examination, managements and fees collection needs with universities and higher institutions of learning to handle admission, registrations, examination, management, and tees, collection needs.
Internet Banking: This is a product that enables the bank leverage on the internet banking system module inbuilt on the new banking applications (BANKS) implemented by the Bank to serve the internet banking needs of the bank’s customers.
Electronic recruitment: This is an online recruitment services to all kinds and categories of clients such as (Army, Navy, Police, and the paramilitary) through customizable web portals and the use of scratch cards and pins for a prospective applicants. Simply buy the research cards, visit portal and fill relevant information. Information’s collected and filtered  according to several criteria to be set by client. Short listed applications could then be contacted through email or sms or both.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): The transfer of information between organizations in machine readable form.
Access product: Products that allow consumers to access traditional payment instrument electronically generally from remote locations.
Smart Card: A card with a computer chip embedded on which financial health, educational and security information can be stored and processed.
Point of Sale (POS) Machine: A point of sale machine is the payment device that allows credit/debit card holders make payments at sales /purchase outlets. It allows customers to perform the following services, retail payments, cashless payment, cash bank balance inquiry, airtime vending, loyalty redemption, printing mini statements e.t.c. All terms listed above are derived from effective management information system that enables and increases service delivery in Nigeria banking industry.