Format: MS WORD | Chapter: 1-5 | Pages: 65-80 | Price NGN3,000
Branch (1975) was of the view that productivity means the continuing improvement of the firm management performance in the use of resources and though the operations it is conducted. However the purpose of this work highligts those factors responsible for low productivity among Nigerian workers. The research tends to focus on those means that will be applied to get workers committed to tier work using effective national tool to enhance and increase productivity level of the public organization, Nepa Enugu zonal office as the study scope. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources, the analysis and secondary sources, the analysis of the research brought out a population size used to determine the basis for the information gathered and analyzed. The use of percentage % helped to further the test o the data analyzed. The findings of the research observed by the help of questionnaires and interviews embarked upon as the factors responsible for the low productivity of Nigeria workers.
Production both private and public organization is simply the Interrelationship between input and output. Inputs are resources such as labour materials and work done products distributed or services rendered. In Nigeria, works have been exercising some or certain problems that have been militating against productivity level which has completely affected the gross domestic product of the nation The government is trying to see that productivity maintains an impressive level, the ministry of labour and productivity. National productivity center etc. are doing everything to alleviate the problems of low productivity of the Nigeria workers. In view of these one may ask why the Nigerian worker is still faced with the problem of low productivity, inspire of all the government efforts to improve productivity. Briefly we take short history of NEPA which is a service organization in viewing the general Nigeria workers. Electricity development in Nigeria started towards the end of the 19th century, when the first generating plant was installed in the city of Lagos in 1898. Later, other electricity undertakings were set up by the native and municipal authorities in different part of the country. In 1950, in order to integrate power development in the country and make it effective, the federal government passed the electricity corporation of Nigeria ordinance No.15 of 1950. This ordinance brought under one umbrella all the electricity undertakings owned and controlled by the native and municipal authorities under the public works department
The electricity corporation of Nigeria (ECN) became the statutory body responsible for generating transmitting, distributing and sales of electricity to all customers in Nigeria. By Decree No.24 of 27th June, 1972, the electricity corporation of Nigeria (ECN) and Niger Dams Authority (NDA) were merged by the Federal Government to become the National Electricity Power Authority. Power generation in Nigeria started with a humble but steady beginning with only the Ijors, Delta, Egbin, sapele, Afan thermel power stations, Kainji Jebba and Shiroro Hydro power station, with the generation capacity increased from 20mw to over 6,000mw in the year 2002
Research has been carried out in Nigeria; regrettably not much has been done in the way of solving the problem facing the Nigeria workers. This has been detrimental to the increase of productivity which will contribute to the development of nation like Nigeria. In order to increase productivity among the workers in Nigeria with athe help of NEPA as a guide the following bottle neck were observed. The fear of Job security among workers. The workers should be assumed of their jobs. The motivational tool and incentives were not properly provided to the workers that will make them to put in their best. The job evaluation system has been carried out in an unfair manner Lack of programmes provision for developing staff made many junior staff undertake personal training at the detriment of the employers.
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