1.1 Background of the Study

In the modern world, manufacturing sector is regarded as a basis for determining a nation’s economic efficiency. Manufacturing sector in Nigeria is literally assumed to have a vast potential for economic development due to abundant labour force coupled with the agrarian nature of the economy. Ogbu (2012) states that no other sector is more important than the manufacturing sector in developing an economy, providing quality employment, wages and reducing poverty. Putting the country back on the path of recovery and growth will require urgently rebuilding deteriorated infrastructure and making more goods and services available to the citizenry at affordable prices. This would imply a quantum leap in output of goods and services which is characterized with the availability of workforce in the country. With the contribution of the manufacturing sector to the growth of the nation, much responsibility lies in the hand of the workforce of the manufacturing companies. Majority of these manufacturing companies run on a 24-hours production processes frequently and this required work shift and rotations on the part of the employees. Employees who are committed to such organisational culture and work processes most likely ought not to be treated as machines but also as humans with feelings, aspirations and ego. The contribution of an employee, especially the knowledgeable ones in the paint industries will dictate the performance of the paint industries in the competitive market. The manufacturing sector was characterized by increasing cost of production emanated from high tariff, increased cost of energy input, the use of cheap labour, treating of workers as machine, reliance on poor and inadequate public sector infrastructure and rising cost of import. Behaviour modification in the manufacturing company is ideal, for it may help to produce more satisfied workers and increases employer’s profitability. An important part of every manager’s job is to guide employees towards activities that will help them make progress in their jobs and away from activities that will derail them and negatively affect the organization (Mayhew, 2015).