Co-operative societies was established to help rural dwellers who are less privileged, who don’t have enough capital to carry out their business enterprise. In what ways have co-operative societies helped in the development of rural areas.
It was the aim of this research work to find out if co-operative societies have any impact in the development of the rural areas, the changes created so far and the suggestions as well. This research work has five chapters.
Chapter one contains a general discussion of the origin of the word co-operative as a result of the problems caused by the capitalists. It went further to state the problems to be studied and why this study was carried out, the research questions and what will be the benefits of it later, the scope and limitations of the study and finally, the definition of terms.A member of past-related literature examined by other studies, as it relates to the co-operative societies and rural development are highlighted in chapter two.
Chapter three deals with the methodology for the study, population of the study, development of research materials, research procedure and treatment of data.
In chapter four, the data got from the research surveyed were analysed and interpreted. Also similar questions on both questionnaires were compared.
Finally, the summary of findings on the research and recommendations made the conclusion by the researcher are all in chapter five.
If co-operative societies and rural people would put the recommendations made in the study to use, there would only be increased and improved in their standard of their living but will also ensure continous growth and development in the area