Distance measuring wheels are excellent tools for measuring long distance in a hurry they are great for estimating paving jobs building lot sizes, carpet estimates, grass seed and fertilizer calculations, insurance calculations, fence estimating, utility contracting, and other uses when a large distance measurement is needed quickly. The researcher in her titer nature review discovered that a simple reset counter is placed on the wheel at the point you what measuring and rolled in a straight directly to the stopping point. At this function the counter is read and the measurement indicated. It is known that the item are two types of different sizes of distance measuring wheels e.g indoor and our door wheels. This wheel constructed by the researcher was found satisfactory and efficient as it is the electrical type which offers multiple units of measurement rather than the mechanical counters which offer only a single unit than was constructed. Electrical counter are great if you want to have multiple types of unit measurement lynches, feet metric, yards. etc) all in a single model of measurement wheel it was observed also that the researcher made some fundamental improvement on already existing ones by addition electric motor. This write up will be invaluable to future researcher in this area as the result shows in chapter four of this work.




It is advice that is commonly used to measure the lengths of roads, rivers and other line features on maps. It can also be defined as advice that helps in the measurement of both the longitudinal and transversal profiles of a road to be simultaneously measured from a specially equipped vehicle travelling at normal road speeds. This developed approach has the advantage of eliminating the need of an inertial reference level, whilst improving accuracy of measurements by addressing errors otherwise resulting from the dynamics of a moving vehicle. An addition feature of this system is the integration of the road profile measurements with their precise geographical location  (Dollas, 2014).


The project’s objectives include the following:

1.  Development of a highly accurate longitudinal and transversal road measurement methodology

2.  Design and implementation of a low-cost embedded system to execute the longitudinal and transversal.

3.  Implementation of a integrated solution of road profile measurements incorporating state –of –the art for accurate localization.

4.  Performance of numerous field-trials in countries represented by the project partners, of the complete system in roads having a wide range of characteristics in order to optimize system performance.


This study is important because, it enables us to get a collection of units of measuremnt and rules relating them to each other. It is also important because it enables us from replacing one measuring system with a better one. It enables us to build series of location in other to find a total distance.


This project work was limited to some factors like

1.  Difficulty in obtaining some of the materials needed from the market,

2.  Presence of long trucks on the road delayed taking of the measurements on the road

3.  When the circuit is not property connected the device will not function properly.


Distance calculator: It is a device used to find out the distance between two or more points anywhere on the earth.

Measurement system: It is advice used for the measurement of physical quantities and phenomena. Although the concept of weights and measures today includes such factors as temperature, pressure and electric current, it once consisted of only four basic measurements: Mass (weight), Distance or length, area, and volume (Liquid or grain measure).

Units: A unit is the name of a quantity such as kilogram or pound.

Standard: A standard is the physical embodiment of a unit, such as the platinum-iridium cylinder kept by the international bureau of weights and measures at paris as the standard kilogram.