Federal parastatals are set up by the federal government of Nigeria to archive some certain objectives. Some of this objective is to provide the goods and services, which the private sector cannot provide because of lack of inventible capital funds. Nowadays, a good number of the federal parastatal perfumers below average including ht federal radio cooperation Enugu, which is the core of the study. The study is aimed at appraising the funding other federal radio cooperation in Enugu with a view to asserting the subventions allocated to it for it to enable her carry out the numerable functions. It is wordy to note that the ability of nay parastatals to archive a performance rest squarely be adequate funding by its beneficiaries. In other word, the objective of any parastatals cannot be realized without an adequate funding. The appraisal gave rise to the adequate review of the work of the federal radio cooperation Enugu that include informing, educating and entertaining the members of the society. In reviewing the subject, information relating to the subventions allocated to the FRCE was collected through the secondary data completed by the interview method and application of questionnaire method. Some of the data collected were presented in a textual form. They were carefully analysed and interpreted out of which certain recorder where made. Some which are; The subvention were made available by the federal government to FRCE which is a federal parastatal is inadequate to cope with her objective. The adequate funding is one of the major factors that can enhance the productivity and efficiency. The efficiency and operation cost of the broadcasting service is capital intensive and as such require adequate funding. That as a result of inadequate funding by a commercialization and privatization allowed the commercial to raise the parastatals augment against the subvention giving to her. Based on the findings, some reaching conclusion were made and recommendation preferred to should be available to the FRC Enugu to enable them archive the objective for which they are established. If the recommendation is adopted, there will be greater performance and efficiency in the federal parastatals including the course federal radio cooperation Enugu station