1.1 Background of the Study
Mass media is regarded as the eye and hear of the people. The mass media which comprise of newspaper, television and radio as well as magazine help the populace to be aware of the various events near and far away. The media is inseparable with the society because of the numerous roles they play in our society. The mass media are very powerful socializing agents. The media which mainly newspaper, magazine as well as radio and television reach large heterogeneous and widely dispersed audiences. It is axiomatic that the mass media can reach millions of people over huge areas very quickly even from the other side of the world by spreading news, information, entertainment and propaganda, persuade us to buy certain things or to change over opinion on various matters. Indeed, mass media represent a powerful tool socializing. Mass media through their different programme increased the level of literacy in society by provide educative programme for the people especially radio and television provide educative programmes that teach. The media do not only transmit information and messages but also provide visual oriented (Picture) of government activities like Universal Basic Education programme e. t. c. The government and other organization use the mass media to communicate with the public.