Format: MS WORD |  Chapter: 1-5 |  Pages: 65-80



This study deals with “planning as an essential strategy for attaining employment techniques” (A case study of Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri). The board objective of this study is necessitated by the desire to discover the position and rate of planning in the management of federal polytechnic Nekede Owerri. The research is concerned with the determination of organization, the benefits and cost of planning comparing certain activities using federal polytechnic Nekede Owerri as a case study, questionnaires and interviews where use to gather dates for that analysis and statically analytically methods such as tables, ration percentage were used in examining the finding. The analytical methods helped to identify the necessity of planning in organizations. The assist to draw attention of this organization to the fact that planning as a management tool is indispensible. It also helped to identify such factors that militate against planning cost, lack of planning expert time frame, lack of information and cost execution of such plans. Recommendations and suggestions of every organization should always be reviewed up to date and for them to serve as instruments of management and that radiations from planned actions should quickly be corrected.


1.0 Introduction 

In the early premature commercial little attention was given to planning as a management and the early business unites paid daily for it. Ottih (1992), stated that many managers do not see the need for planning and some of those plans do that as an annual exercise that is never implemental. On that promise, plans only made just because it has become customary to do that, and not that s step implementation of the plan will be made, it is not that the research is to be conducted.  The project therefore help in bringing on new important planning is to every organization in order to function well and achieve it goal without proper planning. The study analysis explains what study analysis is, the role and it plans of organization and why it is essential for organizational success. The study will bring information to the management of the organization on this needs to take planning serious for it contribute a major quota to success.

1.1 Background of the Study

Planning is one of the functions of administration; it is a process of laying foundation for future actions. Akanwa P.U (2003) defines planning as the act of determining administrative objective and efforts. And also determining the means of achieving the objective, it is also stressed as deciding in advance what you want to d and how you are going to do it. In the above definition, one can say that planning convinced decidin  in the advance things that need to be done to achieve those objectives. In a similar vein, A.D Chandiler Jr. (1962:103), observe planning is very important thing is the day to day running of business enterprise to achieve organizational goals. Therefore, many organization plans in order to take advantage of environmental opportunities and minimize the fact of environmental waste.

Planning cannot be over emphasized in n organization because it allows setting their objectives in line with the institution goal, out lining in necessary resources to achieve such goals. Moreover, it allows for monitoring and checking of performance within a stipulated period of time. George A. Stainer (1976:21) stresses planning as something that involves section of objectives and strategies, policies and procedures for the entire enterprise. Planning involves selecting from among alternatives. Furthermore, in any organizational structure, the system of delegation should be designed as much as possible to support the accomplishment of goals. It is upon this background that the study is carried out and it is believed that this project or research will restore confidence in planning as an instrument in the management business organization which resolves around Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri. The Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri was initially established as a collage of technology, Owerri Imo state government through edict no. 116 of April 1976. It took off at its temporary site Egbu road in the same year with initial of 275 students. In 1981, the college of technology as it was named then was later moved its present and permanent site located in Nekede, Owerri, by Imo state government through edict no 6 of 1987, the name of the institution was changed to “Polytechnic Nekede Owerri. Six year later and precisely on 7th April, 1993, consequently, it was further renamed “the federal polytechnic Nekede Owerri by the federal amendment decree 1998 of 1st January 1998.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Planning is one of the management functions today; it has not been seen by many as an essential or important aspect of attaining organizational goals and objectives.This research study tends to analyze and explains planning as an essential strategy for attaining organizational goals in relation to Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri, Imo State. Planning serves as a guide to good organizational management and effective achievement of result. But many organizations are yet to give it to the place of honor it deserves. In private organization, planning has been noticed to be completely absent. This indifferences attributed to the claims that planning has little or nothing to contribute to the achievement of organizational goals and that many organizations has done well without troubling themselves with planning, that situational or contingency management is better because it deals as then group up and that the role of planning is just to add the management. It is true that there are certain problems involved in planning, such problems is lack of information with which to develop the plan for financial constraint, which greatly inhibits in-debt planning and time constraint with time conservatives.

Time is a problem because it is concerned with the figuring and managerial aspect in order to have clear vision of what the future will be because the future is fought with changes. Other problems such as inadequate expertise needed in planning greatly influence the accuracy of plans. This research will look into three claims and problems so as to validate or invalidate them. The problem statement therefore is one role of planning negligible in good organization management which is the benefit of planning not greater than it cost.

1.3 Objective of the study

For the organization to remain progressive, there is always the need for planning. This is why planning is futuristic because it sets out target and strategies to actualize. This involves identification of the problems to be solved, searching for financial and material resources, method and strategies to be used and careful systemization of the activities and imputes or to activate the described purpose. Generally, the main objective of the study is as follows:

i. To show what planning is a vital instrument through which Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri has been able to set objectives that are vigorously pursued for the growth of the continuous growth of institutions.

ii. To understand that federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri has led the continuous growth and spread of projects in the institution.

iii. To understand that federal polytechnic Nekede involves all level of workers in planning and through which management is sensitized of the problems and level of operational accomplishment.

1.4 Research Questions

This work will try to look at the research problems on this research work which include:

1. Does effective planning enhance realizations of objectives in the institution?

2. How do you view planning in your institution?

3. With our effective planning, can our institution succeed?

4. Can planning solve the problems of institution?

5. What are the effects of planning in management of the institution?

6. What are those factors that state against the functions of planning and those that facilitate its role in the institution?

1.5 Significance of the Study

Managers are concerned with the achievements of organizational goals. They employ tools of management; they believe it will help in realizing business objectives. Planning happens to be one of such tool, it is therefore necessary to study in which ways of planning can help managements achieve organizational goals of the organization they control. These will go a long way to easy out the work of these managers.

1.6 Scope of the Study

The scope of study will cover planning as inessential of achieving organizational goals in Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri both in the academic division and personal division, its finding can also be applied to all the public and private organizations as the case study may be.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

In the course of this study, lots of problems were encountered of the researchers which serve as the limitation of the study. This research was conducted, enough times required for official and effective collection, presentation and analysis of data collected. Another problem is insufficient finance for sourcing of needed information. As a matter of facts, financial problem has led the research to narrow down her research to a relatively narrow shape. Then lastly, is non availability of materials, bureaucratic procedures and unwillingness of some of the officials to release some vital information which could effectively help the study on ground that they are highly confidential. All those hampered the viability of certain information that would have provided a help to the researcher in this work.

1.8 Definition of Terms

1. Planning: This is a process of deciding in academic things that should be done to achieve organizational goals.

2. Organization: It is the combination of people or individual efforts, working in pursuit of certain purpose called organizational goals.

3. Goals: This is something or what an individual or an organization hopes to achieve in future.

4. Essential: This is the importance that is derived in a particular situation, active or activity.

5. Management: This is the act of running and controlling a business or organization.

6. Bureaucrat: This is an official working in an organization or a government department, especially one who follows the rules of department strictly.

7. Strategy: A plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose. The skill of planning of movement of armies in a battle.

8. Pervasiveness: Spreading gradually to affect all parts of the place or thing.

9. Implement: To make something that has been officially decided to start happening.



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