The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of mechanized farming in the economic development of Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. The study consists of five chapters. Chapter one was the introduction of the study on the impact of mechanized farming. However, the significance of the study was highlighted in addition to the problems encountered by the researcher in the course of investigation. Chapter two focused on the review of related while the third chapter was on methodology. Area considered under this section are the population, sampling procedures, instrumentation of validity and research instruments, method of data collection and method of data analysis, administration of questionnaire. Chapter four was devoted to data analysis. In fact, the researcher adopted the use of simple percentages to analyze the data collected by means of questionnaires. On a final note was chapter five, devoted to summary conclusion and recommendations that will assist the farmer n how to improve on farming with the aid of mechanization.





Mechanized farming plays a vital role in Edo State especially in the development of the secondary and tertiary sectors. During the pre-civil war in Nigeria, the predominant occupation in Edo State was agriculture and it was the main stay of the Nigerian economy. Besides other types of occupation existed, these are teaching, printing, trading etc but agriculture outplays them all. Farming can be traced to the earliest traditional societies although yet primitive they often gather wild fruits and roots for food and throw off the seeds in their surroundings. Though this process of trial and error, cultivation of crops started in the dwelling food and shelter are basic necessities for human existences and both originated from farming activities, workers in the secondary and tertiary relies on farming for their final output.

Also, mechanized farming provides empowerment into agricultural opportunity to the labour force through direct employment into agricultural and its interrelated industries and manufacturing sectors. For this sector contribute efficiently, there is the implementation of good management, marketing, adequate returns to farmers and the better utilization of land available and provision of storage facilities. The failure of the country to adopt these innovative practices is accountable for the current food shortages, high prices, mass unemployment, under utilization of industrial result of this failure. Even though the nation progressed, the proportion of agricultural contribution to the gross domestic product becomes thinner because of the predominant peasant system of cultivation. The system is also characterized by the use of simple system is also characterized by the use of simple tools like fertilizers, chemicals and improved seeds are not widely used by most farmers.

The poor performances of the agricultural sector to provide adequate food for the growing population declining, productivity of most export crops which has contributed to substantial reduction in foreign exchange earnings and the declining condition of farming to gross domestic product in real terms. The report of the food strategy mission estimated that in 1982, the supply and demand for all food crops was about 2.5 million metric tones and the projected gap for 1985 was about 4.7 million metric tones. The study group on food production provided more detailed estimate of gaps between projected demand and supply for various commodities. As far as agriculture export are concerned, the data available shows that performance of the sub-sector is on the decline. The country has become a large importer of palm oil for which she was well noted as one of the worlds exporter in previous years.

Oredo is one of the local government areas of Edo State. It is situated in the western part of Nigeria, and it lies on the rain forest belt of the vegetation. Naturally, it is endowed with fertile land for the cultivation of crops. Agriculture is not only concerned with the cultivation of the soil for the production of crops. The main comprehensive definition is that agriculture is concerned basically with the husbandry of crops and animals for food and for commercial purposes.


In this study, the investigator is being guided by the following research questions.

Do you carryout mechanization farming?

Does farmers have the modern method of farming?

Does financial institution give loan without collateral?


The major objective of this study is to;

1.  Examine the impact of mechanized farming in Oredo Local Government Area.

2.  Identify problems facing agriculture in the development of Oredo Local Government Area.

3.  Propose solutions to minimize such problem.


Farming should be seen as the life were of economic development of any nation. Hence, our hypothesis for this study is stated as increased agricultural production influences economic development in Oredo Local Government and Nigeria at large. Also, we can state a null hypothesis as this increased agricultural production does not influence economic development in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State.


We all know that the coming of oil has created structural distortions and disturbance in the economy and that on the run, the wheel of their progress can only smooth when the economy is based on mechanized farming. Apart from the shift of interest as a result of oil well, other problems that account for the decline are conservative attitude of farmer’s poor marketing facilities in rural area etc.  to the best of my knowledge this areas has not been exhaustively researched upon hence this study seeks to bridge the gap.


Primary and secondary data are used. These involve personal interview, observation and review of published materials in the form of journals, newspapers, handouts, reports and textbooks, for the purpose of gathering information for this work.


The scope of this project cores the meaning, type of agriculture, impact of mechanized farming.


Mechanized: Of or pertaining to operation using machinery.

Agrarian: A person who advocated the political interests of working farmers.

Plantation: Large farm, estate area of land designated for agricultural growth of ten includes housing for the owner and workers.